Why (March 5, 2003)


Today, at 14:30, a scucide bomber exploded on a bus (line 37) in Haifa, Israel. I lived in Haifa my entire life, and am very familiar with that particular line. It took me every day, from the fifth grade till I finished Junior high, from school back home, at about that same hour. I remember that stop so well, I remember how my friends and I used to laugh about and chatter as we were waiting for the bus to arrive. And I knew today, as soon as I heard about the explosion, that most of the bus riders were kids like that, who will never arrive back home.

Why, God? If you even exist, why do you let things like that happen? Why do you let children die, and like that? Why do you let those families suffer? Why do you let people who just want to get home after a long day get hurt like that, and have their lives come to a halt?

I wish things like that would never happen.

I cannot even begine to describe what it feels like when you see your own city and the places you know by heart, places you grew up on and go there still, filled with smoke and fire and death.

I wish Man would live in peace.

But everywhere I look I see death and distruction with no end.
