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My Real-Life Exhibitions
September 2010 - "Fragments of Reality", IconTLV Sci-Fi&Fantasy festival, Cinimatec Tel Aviv, Israel
Featuring the images:
Featuring a booklet of the exhibition and poems (50 N"S):
  Featuring the animations:
View the exhibition invitation:
The images are high-quality printed on canvas, and are priced between 300 to 890 N"S. To make a purchase, call IAC: 972-3-6482345.
View the Facebook event
March 2010 - IAC Students & Graduates Works, Tel Aviv, Israel
Featuring the images:
Featuring the animations:
View the Facebook event
February 2006 - "Cardo Gallery", Kastra Center, Haifa, Israel
Featuring the images:
The images are (in most) printed on canvas, and are priced between 400 to 600 N"S. Contact me if you would like to make a purchase.
Pictures taken in the gallery:
View the exhibition invitation:
October 2003 - "Cafe Beinenu", Haifa, Israel
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