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Real-Life Exhibitions:

The gallery contains a body of work of over 500 digital artworks.

Most of the works were created using these programs: Poser, Vue d'Esprit, Maya, Zbrush and Photoshop. Please click here for more info about these programs.

Under each image I have written the tools I used to create the image as well as credit to contributors of models/textures/other elements used in the image. Notice - images open in a new page!


Latest update: May-2014


Please note: All works shown on this site were created by Anat Dayag, and are copyright 2003-2014, all rights reserved. You may not 'borrow' them without express permission from the artist. You may not offer them for free or for profit on your own website or in any other forum, nor may you claim any of these works as your own.

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